Sketch and AWS

The Wise Choice in AWS Partners

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A "Select" AWS Partner

Sketch is an official partner and reseller of Amazon Web Services in both the private and public sectors. Our partnership with AWS provides us exclusive training materials not publicly available, making us more skilled than others that typically work with AWS.
By partnering with Sketch, you have the confidence that your AWS integrations are built soundly, securely, and cost-effectively.

Your Trusted Guide

Jumping into the cloud can be a huge benefit for your organization. Implementing it wrong, though, can be disastrous; it can leave you vulnerable to security issues, grow out of control with more excessive cost than your on-prem environment, or make your applications unavailable to your users if your AWS infrastructure isn't linked up in just the right way.

At Sketch, we not only employ developers, but we have an expert team of trainers and coaches. We don't just build things the right way to begin with, but we help explain why we do things the way we do, and we can discuss what effects might come with alternate configurations.

Our Superpowers

You shouldn't go-it-alone; see where we can help!

Infrastructure-as-Code IaC ensures environment parity and helps you spin up new environments quickly and confidently as you go from Dev to Prod. We can help you do so with CloudFormation, CDK, CDKtf, or Terraform. Leverage our quickstart templates, or have us build custom ones with your teams.
Cloud Management Not reaping the benefits you expected from AWS? We can help assess what you have in place, check your workloads against 600+ AWS best-practices, right-size your resources, and navigate spend options available through AWS.
Greenfield, Cloud-Native Software Development We shine at building custom software to make your ideas become reality. By starting with our home-grown quickstart templates, we can get your applications to production months earlier than otherwise expected.
Well-Architected Review Did you account for high-availability? Is your workload operationally sound? Are you following all the best practices when it comes to cloud security? We'll perform a Well-Architected Review, checking your workload against AWS' six pillars of their Well-Architected Framework.
Cloud Migration You already have applications in a degrading on-premises data center, and you want to modernize, switching those CapEx dollars to OpEx. We will help you with planning that lift-and-shift migration and look at areas of Replatforming and Refactoring along the way.

Our Experience Speaks for Itself

The product was a huge win for us, as it eliminated a significant cost while being much more responsive to our clients’ needs and future goals. It eliminated many areas of frustration and operational headaches. It has also allowed us to deliver new capabilities more quickly and seamlessly.

Will Meridian Loyalty

The Sketch team is one of the best, if not the best, dev shops I have worked with in 20-plus years ... the architects are top-notch and come to the table ready to solve challenges and deliver quality output.

Director of Business Analytics & Data Architecture Insurance Risk Solutions Company

I've had a positive experience working with Sketch. The team was highly professional, offering valuable feedback that assisted us in defining processes. They played a pivotal role in establishing our framework and enhancing our documentation.

Laurice Healthcare Company

Working with Sketch was a great experience. Even though they were focused on delivering and meeting expectations, they were also friendly, inclusive, and made the effort fun and exciting!

Will Meridian Loyalty

The Sketch team did a great job finding ways to add value. The CDK work helped tremendously as the team needed some help from experienced developers. I had no issues what-so-ever with the team, they did a great job!

Derek Healthcare Company

Our entire process in working with Sketch was positive. Setting up the production and development environments was uneventful, which is exactly how you want it to be.

Dane Connell Cybeta

Case Studies

Serverless IaC Build a Serverless application in AWS Lambda using Infrastructure-as-Code for a resilient, highly-available platform using managed services, so the client can take advantage of AWS' Shared Responsibility Model. Learn More
Managed Infrastructure for an Entire Platform Use and configure managed services to follow AWS' Well-Architected Framework: from VPNs to Transit Gateways to Elastic Beanstalks, and leveraging GuardDuty and WAF for IDS on the platform. Learn More